Program & City

The following information about the schedule is for your reference

Offline Venue: ZMax carrey international hotel, Wuhan.

All presentations and Offline activities will be held at ZMax Carrey International Hotel.
Address: No. 408 Gaoxin Avenue, High tech Development Zone, Hongshan District, Wuhan, China
Tel for Reservation: (+86)17671437472
>> Business room: RMB 350/ night (about USD 50/ night). (Two beds, Internet and two breakfast included)
>> Luxury room: RMB 389/ night (about USD 55/ night). (Two beds, Internet and two breakfast included)

Sept 20, 2024
09:00-17:00 Registration

Sept 21, 2024
09:00-12:00 Keynote Speeches
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:30 Oral Presentations
18:00-19:30 Banquet

Sept 22, 2024

09:00-18:00 Academic Investigation

Online Virtual: Subject to the offline activities of local government, The ICMIC online conference will be held on September 21, 2024. the ZOOM number will be announced in advance.

*The outline programme is shown on this page. A more detailed programme will be emailed to you after registration deadline. Actual time arrangement may be a little different according to participant numbers.